
The conference venue will be at the Mount Qingcheng Grand Hotel (君颐山尊酒店)。The hotel address and contact info are:

  • Address: No. 1-8 Huanshan Road, Dujiangyan, Sichuan, China
    •      四川省成都市都江堰青城山镇石桥村三组
  • Email:
  • Phone:    +86 19181988760

There are two types of rooms:

  • Single-bed room, rate starts at RMB600¥/night
  • Double-bed room, rate starts at RMB740¥/night

The above rates are the discounted ones negotiated by LOC. When you reserve your room, please send email with the ICMMES Invitation letter (which can be downloaded from ConfTool after you have registered and paid the registration fee) and your particulars (Name, gender, how many rooms for how many nights, etc.) to the email above. Please contact LOC via the email should you have any questions.





Please email the Local Organizing Committee at if you need further assistance.
