Job Fair

ICMMES strives to provide a platform for information exchange to the community at large. We list both job opportunities, for those who are looking for people to hired, and job wanted, for those who are seeking for positions available in our community.



  • Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC, has opennings for tenured/tenure-track faculty positions in all ranks (chair, full, associate, assistant professorships) in areas of computational mechanics. Qualified candidates must have a PhD degree in Physical Sceine, Engineering or other closely related disciplines. CSRC offers competitive salary and benifit packages commansurate with candidate's qualifications and experiences. Application package should be sent to Mr. Minghui JIAO by email at or to Professor Li-Shi Luo at
  • CSRC has opennings for research assistant professors, post-doctoral research associates, and PhD candidates in areas of computational mechanics. Please send application package to Mr. Minghui JIAO by email or Professor Li-Shi Luo at
  • Post-doctoral researcher: Quantum Lattice-Boltzmann Method Quanscient is starting a publicly funded project on Quantum-native multiphysics in collaboration with Prof. Pierre Sagaut of Aix-Marseille University, Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres. In the wake of this project, we are looking for a post-doctoral researcher jointly supervised by Dr. Valtteri Lahtinen (CSO, Quanscient) and Prof. Sagaut, to work on quantum-lattice Boltzmann method. For more details, please contact Professor Pierre Sagaut  by email:


Job Wanted

  • No jobs wanted so far.


To put a list on our website, please send a brief statement and provide full description including accurate contacting information to


