In "Brains and Beakers," scientists share mind-blowing inventions and discoveries and the methodologies behind them with students from Youth Radio's Peabody Award-winning media education program.
View AllToday's students have big dreams for the future: flying cars, Earth-sized atmospheric filters, quick access to clean water, phones with holograms, and more. Who can make these things happen? Engineers. All the technology around us -- from our shoes to our homes -- was imagined, designed and built by engineers. Engineers solve problems and make our lives better and more enjoyable.
View AllA collection of lessons and web resources for teaches, students & their families.
Funding for research that advances science education.
NSF and Congress: Latest Actions
NSF releases new Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), effective January 25, 2016
NSF Strategic Plan for FY 2014-2018
NSF Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009