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Instructions for Authors of ICMMES-2011 proceedings PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 14 November 2009 01:00

Submison of Paper to ICMMES-2011 Proceedings

The ICMMES-2011 proceedings will be published as a special issue of Computers and Mathematics with Applications (CAMWA). The deadline for submitting paper to the ICMME-2011 proceedings is Monday, October 31, 2011.

Each registered attendee is only allowed to submit one paper to the ICMMES-2011 proceedings. The contributions to the ICMMES-2011 proceedings must be original papers which have not been submitted or published elsewhere. The papers for the ICMMES proceedings should be submitted through the Elsevier Electronic System (EES). The EES will be used to manage the journal's submission, review and decision process entirely online.

The procedure to submit a paper to CAMWA through EES is the following.

1) To set up an EES account (as an author), go to the following link


Click "register" on the top menu. The registration requires your first and last names, and your email address. If you have an account on EES already, you can directly submit a paper by going to the next step.

2) Once you have registered on EES, you can submit a paper by click "submit paper" on the top menu of the CAMWA link


To ensure that your manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue for ICMMES proceedings, you MUST select "SI: ICMMES-2011" when you reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process.

3) In your submission letter, please include 3 to 5 potential referees who have no conflict of interest and who are not members of ICMMES Scientific Committee and the editors of the ICMMES proceedings.

Preparation of Your Manuscript to ICMMES Proceedings

Manuscripts to be submitted to CAMWA ICMMES Special Issue (SI) should be prepared with LaTeX by using "elsarticle.cls", the new template from Elsevier. The latex packages can be downloaded from the following website:


Manuscripts prepared with the older template "elsart.cls" will also be accepted.

A Guide for Authors from Editorial Office of CAMWA can be found in the following link:


Resources concerning EES

1) EES Interactive Tutorials:


2) To Request Training on EES:


3) For future reference, the Elsevier Editorial System for this journal is located at:


4) If you have system queries or encounter technical difficulties while using EES, please write to

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5) You can also contact the support department at Elsevier by telephone:

* For The Americas: +1 888 834 7287 (toll-free for US & Canadian customers)
* For Asia & Pacific: +81 3 5561 5032
* For Europe & rest of the world: +353 61 709190

If you are a reviewer and have a system query, please call the telephone numbers above or write to

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Note that this information is also posted on EES and can be reached by clicking on "Contact Us".

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions.

Sincerely Yours,

Editors of ICMMES Proceedings

Last Updated on Thursday, 25 August 2011 16:33