Award Winners 2017

This year, only one award was given at ICMMES-2017. The ICMMES-MDPI Best Post Award was present to Lucien Vienne and Simon Marié by the Co-Chair of the ICMMES Scientific Committee, Prof. Li-Shi Luo (ODU/CSRC), during the closing ceremony on Friday, July 21, 2017.

The ICMMES-MDPI Best Poster Award

This year (2017), the ICMMES-MDPI Award for Best Poster was given to Lucien Vienne, Simon Marié, and Francesco Grasso, from Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Laboratoire DynFluid, France, for their poster "Lattice Boltzmann simulation of a multicomponent viscous fingering instability at high Schmidt number".


From left to right: Lucien Vienne, Simon Marié, and Li-Shi Luo (the Co-Chair of ICMMES Scientific Committee).











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