
Group picture Conference Agenda

  • The Conference Agenda is available after May 27, 2024

Invited Speakers 

  • Chrisian Holm, Institute for Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart, Germany. (tentative)
  • Rainald Lohner, CFD Center, College of Science, George Mason University, USA. (tentative)
  • Abbas Fakhari, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Old Dominion University, USA. (confirmed) 
  • Yan Peng, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Old Dominion University, USA. (confirmed)

Short Courses

  • Paul Dellar, OCIAM, Oxford, UK,  "Angular momentum conservation in scalar and vector lattice Boltzmann formulations of hydrodynamics".
  • François Dubois, LMSSC CNAM Paris & LMO Orsay, France, "Equivalent partial differential equations and applications".
  • Matin Geier, TU Braunschweig, Germany, "Types of orthogonality in Lattice Boltzmann methods with multiple relaxation times"
  • Li-Shi Luo, Old Dominion University, USA, and CSRC, China, "Various Collision Models for LBE".  

ICMMES Award Winners 2024

The winers of the ICMMES-Sugon Award for Young Scientist and the ICMMES-CSRC Award for Recent PhD Recipient will be announced during ICMMES-2024, June 24-28, 2024.
